Thursday, March 22, 2012


Listening to the Pirates 4 soundtrack.


Jason Newkirk said...

awesome job Ryan!

Megan said...

so great! amazing ilustration!

best regards from my cool web Maya - juegos de cocina

Ryan Wood said...

Thanks Jason, much appreciated mistah!

Ricardo Chucky said...

this is just AWESOME!!

how long did you take to do it?


Ryan Wood said...

Thanks Ricardo! It probably took about 3 hours maybe? A good third of that is drawing a bunch of thumbnails trying to get the best shapes.

Manoj Singh said...

Simple, elegant, and lovely. :)

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Cynthia said...

very nice job, the best Mary Jane Watson villain Blackbeard!

Miska said...

I like Blackbeard, your work is fantastic!
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weissmuller said...

Love your illustrations! And it is so much fun watching you paint ( Demo Witch). Do you have similar videos posted somewhere?

Nathan C. said...

This is incredible!!!

Adam Ford said...

So, when will we be getting some more witches? BTW I just saw this movie last week and loved the art direction.

Mimi Cortazar said...

very nice work

Jeff Solway said...

So terribly cool!

Manoj Singh said...


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karim Qabrawi said...

5tars :)))))


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